Information on the admission procedure for the 3rd degree of study for the academic year 2025/2026
The Dean of the Faculty of Commerce of the University of Economics in Bratislava announces the admission procedure for doctoral studies for the academic year 2025/2026
for a 3-year full-time study and a 4-year external study in the study field of economics and management in the following study programs:
Study programs of the 3rd degree of study
| study program Marketing and Trade Management – full-time and part-time form of study (in Slovak)
| study program International Business Management – full-time and part-time form of study (in Slovak)
| study program Management of International Business – full-time study in English
More detailed information in the internal regulation:
Important dates
Application deadline | April 4, 2025 - June 5, 2025 |
Entrance exam date | June 20, 2025 (Friday) at 8.00* |
* alternative date of the entrance exam will not be set
Submission of applications
- Elektronická prihláška pre 3. stupeň štúdia na Obchodnej fakulte – the electronic application must be submitted between April 4, 2025 and June 5, 2025
- Manuál k elektronickej prihláške
- Dissertation topics
- Attachments - title page and structure of the dissertation project for the admission procedure in English
You can apply for an accredited third-level study program only after completing a second-level study program in the same or a related field of economic specialization (the list of related study fields is provided on the page
In the case of completed higher education in a different field, the applicant is required to submit a document that confirms the applicant's orientation corresponding to the profile of the relevant study program to which the applicant is applying (e.g. a certificate of completion of another form of economic education, or a document of at least 3 years of employment of the applicant, which corresponds to the profile of the respective study program).
An applicant who submits an electronic application must also deliver to the Department for Science and Doctoral Studies of the Faculty of Business all required attachments (see FURTHER CONDITIONS OF ADMISSION TO THE 3rd DEGREE STUDY PROGRAMMES AT THE FACULTY OF COMMERCE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS IN BRATISLAVA FOR THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2025/2026, Art. 2, point 5).
Only the applicant will be invited to the entrance exam who submits a duly completed application, attaches all required attachments electronically and in printed form, and pays the fee for the admission procedure.
Fees associated with studies are listed in internal regulation number B/3/2024 - Školné a poplatky spojené so štúdiom na Ekonomickej univerzite v Bratislave pre akademický rok 2025/2026 účinnosť od 1.9.2025.
The deadline for electronic submission of applications for doctoral studies and at the same time submission of all required attachments, including projects in Slovak and in English, in printed form to the Office of Science and Doctoral Studies of the Faculty of Commerce is
until June 5, 2025.
The required forms and attachments to the application must be delivered in person, or by mail to the address:
Ekonomická univerzita v Bratislave
Obchodná fakulta
Referát pre vedu a doktorandské štúdium
(prijímacie konanie na 3. stupeň štúdia)
Dolnozemská cesta č. 1
852 35 Bratislava 5
Planned number of admitted students for doctoral studies
Study program | Planned number of admitted students | Study form |
International Business Management | 3 | full-time in Slovak |
International Business Management | 3 | part-time in Slovak |
Marketing and Trade Management | 6 | full-time in Slovak |
Marketing and Trade Management | 3 | part-time in Slovak |
Management of International Business | 2 | full-time in English |
- In the full-time form of doctoral studies, the number of accepted students will be known at the time of the entrance exams, based on the determination of the number of scholarship places and allocated financial resources.
- In the external (part-time) form of doctoral studies, the exact number of accepted students will be known at the time of the entrance exams based on the free capacity of the supervisor.
Only one candidate can be accepted for one topic listed for doctoral studies.
Enrollment for study
Applicants who will be admitted to a doctoral study program are required to attend the registration in person, which will take place on September 1, 2025, according to the instructions they will receive in writing together with the admission decision.
Teaching at the doctoral studies takes place on weekdays mainly in the morning hours.
If you are interested in more detailed information about the admission procedure, or the organization of doctoral studies at the Faculty of Business, you can contact:
doc. Ing. Róbert Rehák, PhD., Vice-Dean for Research and PhD. Study
tel.: +421 2 672 91 110