The Department of International Trade focuses on the fields of economics of foreign trade, international trade and business activities in an international environment. We create conditions for the development of internationalization of business activities of Slovak companies - large, small and medium-sized, family businesses, and start-ups. We prepare future experts in the field of international trade and international business, economic and trade diplomacy, management of companies in foreign markets.

The department provides study programs as follow:

  • International Business - bachelor´s study program;
  • International Trade Management - master´s study program;
  • International Business Management - PhD. study program.


Most members of the department use their rich experience from foreign trade practice and working abroad (Western Europe, USA, China, Canada, Russia, etc.) in their teaching and research activities. Students have the opportunity to participate in lectures and workshops of invited foreign and Slovak experts of business practice and to participate in solving real projects and compiling final theses.

Relating to professional and language skills (we offer many courses in foreign languages) of our graduates, they hold professional positions and important managerial positions in companies in the field of international trade and business, world economy, economic and trade diplomacy, but also financial, logistics and other areas. The quality of our study programs is proven by the employment of many successful graduates.

The research of the department focuses on export competitiveness, international economic integration, foreign trade policy, foreign direct investment, international energy market, international payments and financial operations, international marketing and territorial studies (China, Russia, etc.). A wide range of publications includes scientific articles in leading international journals, international monographs, textbooks, as well as nationally recognized manuals for the internationalization of small and medium-sized companies (exporter's manual). The outputs of international projects are implemented in teaching activities. Foreign members of project teams are involved in the pedagogical process (in English). Special emphasis is placed on business practice projects and the implementation of research results in the decision-making of the management of companies and relevant institutions.

In recent years, our students have worked at Slovak embassies in Germany, Greece, the Russian Federation, France, and Canada. The Department of International Trade actively cooperates and regularly invites experts to lectures and cooperates in projects with partners:

  • Ministry of Economy of the SR;
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic (including Slovak embassies and Slovak institutes abroad);
  • foreign embassies in the Slovak Republic; 
  • SARIO;
  • Holding AZC,
  • Council of Slovak Exporters;
  • Volkswagen;
  • Slovnaft;
  • Slovenské elektrárne;
  • Stredoslovenská energetika;
  • Západoslovenská energetika; 
  • Volis International;
  • Business and Innovation Center Bratislava;
  • IBM Slovakia;
  • Dell Business Centers;
  • KPMG;
  • Pfizer;
  • Slovak Academy of Science;
  • European Commission - Directorate-General for Trade (DG TRADE), and many more.