Nestačí Ti Európa? Láka Ťa Latinská Amerika? Čo keby to bolo práve štúdium v Kolumbii? Čítaj ďalej ...

Dear ladies and gentlemen,

We would like to inform you about a scholarship opportunity granted by ICETEX, a Colombian national entity. ICETEX has opened the application process for the Program Scholarship Colombia. This scholarship is aimed at all foreign citizens, who would like to realize their postgraduate studies in Colombia,  the next opportunity is for starting in the first semester of 2020. The following application process will be open from April to June 2020.

The chosen postgraduate study must appear in the Catalogue of Academic Studies of ICETEX, for it to be eligible (attached)

The application to this scholarship for the first semester 2020 is possible until December 20th of this year. More information can be found here:  (in Spanish).


Infografía programa Beca Colombia 2020

Catálogo oferta académica 2020 - programa Beca Colombia

Bases de postulación programa Beca Colombia - extranjeros 2020



Alina Cárdenas Rey

Embajada de Colombia en Austria

Botschaft von Kolumbien in Österreich

Tel Local: (+43 1) 4054249 ext. 20 – Bogotá: (57 1) 3814000 ext. 4532

Stadiongasse 6-8/15 (1010 Wien)



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