Švajčiarsko-slovenské združenie cestovného ruchu zverejnilo ponuku na odbornú stáž vo Švajčiarsku, zameraním vhodnú predovšetkým pre študentov manažmentu cestovného ruchu.

Do not hesitate to take unique opportunity to participate in Erasmus + for internship. Get professional / practical skills to better understand an economic and social conditions of host country in synergy with the acquisition of work experience and language skills.

Fill in the application form on www.studyabroad.sk for the current academic year 2019/2020.
Bring the application to the Vice-Dean for International Relations on your faculty till September 30, 2019.

Join CEC – Central Europe Connect project to enrich your studies with new experience. The joint certification program gives undergraduate students (2nd and 3rd year) the opportunity to study in three different locations and gain new experience and knowledge in Europe's fastest growing region.

Deadline extended to 12 September 2019

For more information, please, visit: https://euba.sk/international-relations/current-offices/central-europe-connect