Mobilita je určená predovšetkým pre študentov inžinierskeho a doktorandského stupňa štúdia.


Spend 90 days at the Maldives National University within the framework of the Erasmus+ project CHILDRN - Climate Change Diplomacy Leadership and Resilience.


Travel costs, accommodation, food covered by scholarship



August 2023 – October 2023

Mobilities are mainly designated for Master or PhD students interested in environmental and climate sciences.



  • Research proposal consisting of the following sections (max 2 pages):
    • The state-of-the-art literature review
    • Research objectives and methodology
    • Planned activities to be conducted and their tentative timeline
    • Expected outcomes and impacts of the proposed research
  • Letter of motivation including the added value of the mobility for the applicant, as well as for the host and the sending institution (max 2 pages)
  • Curriculum vitae (max 2 pages)
  • English level B2 / C1

All three documents should be submitted in English in Word or PDF format, and sent to and CC’d to  .

The pre-screened applicants will be invited to an online or an in-person interview with the selection committee.

Deadline for application: 28 February 2023

2023 1 12 erasmus childrn maldivy


Ekonomická univerzita v Bratislave za účelom šírenia pozitívneho povedomia a propagácie organizovaných verejných akcií, vyhotovuje obrazové a zvukové záznamy, ktoré zverejňuje na svojej webovej stránke. V prípade výhrad k zverejneným obrazovým a zvukovým záznamom si uplatňujte tieto výhrady písomne na e-mail: . Kompletné informácie k spracúvaniu osobných údajov tu.