Využi zaujímavú ponuku na účasť na letnej škole vo Varšave v rámci "Three Seas Initiative". Ide konkrétne o dve letné školy, na ktorých je Tvoja účasť ako študenta EU v Bratislave bezplatná.


1. Three Seas Leadership School 2022

Organizer: SGH Warsaw School of Economics in Warsaw

Duration: 15 - 26 August 2022


  • Three Seas Leadership School is a fully funded summer school addressed to young leaders (with student status aged 18-26 years) from the Three Seas Initiative countries who excel at least in one of three areas: business, social activity or civic policy.
  • Transportation, accommodation and maintenance costs will be covered by the organizer.
  • During the first week, 40 participants will take part in workshops within the framework of their chosen area, as well as joint training in soft skills and leadership, led by qualified experts.
  • During the second week they will work in interdisciplinary groups to reflect on the challenges that countries of the Three Seas Initiative are facing. The results of their efforts will be published in a post-project report.

Recruitment process: The application form (link: bit.ly/join_tsls) is open from May 2 to May 31, 2022.


Website: https://tsls.sgh.waw.pl 

Facebook profile: https://www.facebook.com/weavetomorrow 

Instagram profile: https://www.instagram.com/weave.tomorrow/ 

Linkedin profile: https://www.linkedin.com/company/weavetomorrow/ 

Application form: bit.ly/join_tsls


2. 3 Seas Development School

Organizers: Polska Sieć Ekonomii (Polish Economics Network) & Fundacja Empiria i Wiedza


Online: 5 - 14 August 2022

Warsaw: 15 - 21 August 2022


  • The 3 Seas Development School is an educational program for twenty-six young researchers from thirteen countries of the region (Three Seas + Ukraine) that aims to create social and economic ties based on green and digital development.
  • Participation will consist of ten days of online initiation course and a week of summer school in Warsaw, Poland.
  • The aim of the project is to find and empower the best economics students in the region, giving them skills and knowledge to lead groundbreaking research, policy reforms and manage Three Seas Initiative investments.
  • Thanks to the financial support of Fundacja Empiria i Wiedza all costs of participating will be covered.


Recruitment process:

Application deadline: 12 June 2022


Website: https://plse.org.pl/3sds/ 

Application form: bit.ly/join_3sds

Ekonomická univerzita v Bratislave za účelom šírenia pozitívneho povedomia a propagácie organizovaných verejných akcií, vyhotovuje obrazové a zvukové záznamy, ktoré zverejňuje na svojej webovej stránke. V prípade výhrad k zverejneným obrazovým a zvukovým záznamom si uplatňujte tieto výhrady písomne na e-mail: . Kompletné informácie k spracúvaniu osobných údajov tu.