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Perspectives of Innovations, Economics and Business / PIEB (eISSN: 1804-0527)
The journal focuses on interdisciplinary issues which develop in various areas of innovation management. Therefore, the scope of the journal covers but not limited to the innovation-related issues in areas of knowledge management, technology transfer and commercialization, product and business development, innovation and technology management, innovation marketing and policy and macro- and organization levels.
Editors accept for reviewing the articles which aim to discover and research the various linkages and relations between innovations and entrepreneurship, values and organizational culture, individual and social values, technology and product development, business management, economic development.
The Perspectives of Innovations, Economics and Business (PIEB) covers, in particular, the following issues in its scope including:
- Innovations, economic growth, and development. Benefits of innovation to consumers, businesses and the economy as a whole. The contribution of innovations to productivity, economic growth, and sustainable development.
- Innovations and business management. How organizations and enterprises manage innovation process through influencing strategic partnerships, employee ideation, customer needs and preferences, competitive intelligence, internal sources.
- Innovations, R&D and product development. Studies focusing on the development of new products, services, technologies, business processes in organization and companies facilitating innovations and innovative efficiency.
- Innovations, values, and organizational culture. How organizations develop and sustain the proper environment and facilitate the right culture to find innovative ideas and capitalize on them. Organizational structures and processes to support creativity, leadership and innovation. Interconnecting creative and innovative processes.
- Innovations, ideation, knowledge management. How to facilitate the development of good ideas, streamline them and establish an effective culture of innovation.
- Innovations, technology transfer, and commercialization. How technology transfer and commercialization drives innovation processes.
PIEB is peer-reviewed international research journal. The primary version of the journal is the online version. The journal publishes irregular (number of issues may range from 2-4 issues per year depending on the quality of submissions and number of finally accepted articles) online issues.