The publication is the main output of the international Erasmus+ project MIECAT Methodology of Interpretation of European Cultural Heritage through Attractions in Tourism.


The e-book contains a brief survey of the cultural heritage of Europe; it explains the importance, goals, and principles of heritage interpretation. Individual chapters give detailed characteristics of six thematic subtopics (architecture, fine arts, religious monuments, music, local traditions and customs, gastronomy) with the comprehensive methodology of interpretation of the adequate part of cultural heritage through attractions in tourism, examples of good practice and a case study for each subtopic. The text was created by an international group of experts (Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Romania, Slovakia, and Spain – members of partner university teams of the Erasmus+ project MIECAT). The publication is a non-profit output of the international project MIECAT co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.


The e-book Interpretation of European Cultural Heritage in Tourism is available at the webpage:

Suggested Citation:

JAROLÍMKOVÁ, Liběna et al. Interpretation of European Cultural Heritage in Tourism (e-book). Prague: Prague University of Economics and Business, Oeconomica Publishing House, 2020. 448 p. ISBN 978-80-245-2391-0