The Code of Ethics for publishing articles in the scientific journal Studia commercialia Bratislavensia

The Editorial Office of the “Studia commercialia Bratislavensia” accepts the responsibility and supervision over all stages of the publication process. The publication in the journal is to contribute to securing a rigorous scholarly level also by compliance with the standards of the Code of Ethics (worked out on the basis of available rules and recommendations of COPE and Elsevier Publishing House for publication ethics and the Editorial Board of the Journal) in the publishing of research papers, while all steps are to be even to prevent the breach of this Code. It is important to comply with on the standards of ethical behaviour in the publication of papers, and this fact holds for all stakeholders of the publication process (authors, editors, reviewers, and publishers).


Authors’ duties in accordance with the Code of Ethics

Standard for manuscripts, access to data and their safekeeping

Authors of articles are obliged to use objective arguments and objective results of scholarly/academic research. The database of scholarly research shall be precisely presented. Research papers must contain adequate details and references and must enable readers to objectively reproduce the work concerned. 

Authors of articles may be required to provide source data which have been used in studies and articles for the purposes of editorial check, and as long as it is possible, they should retain these data for an adequately long period (5 years) after publishing their papers based on these source data.

Fraudulent and conscious wrong declarations constitute unethical behaviour and are considered unacceptable.


Originality and plagiarism

Authors should ascertain that they submit for publication original work, and if they have used other authors’ sources in their work they must cite them in an adequate way. Plagiarism in all of its forms represents an unethical publishing behaviour and is unacceptable. There are various forms of plagiarism, ranging from the presentation of someone else’s manuscript as one’s own, copying and paraphrasing of substantial parts of others´ works without citing them, up to appropriating other authors´ research results. These are unacceptable.


Multiple, redundant or parallel publishing

It is considered not acceptable for authors to submit for publication manuscripts describing in essence identical research to more than one academic journal. Submitting the same manuscript simultaneously to several journals constitutes unethical publishing behaviour and is unacceptable.


Citation of sources

It is necessary that authors quote publications which have significantly influenced the content their article. 

A correct and complete citation of other people’s work must always be provided. Information acquired in a confidential way, must not be used without the explicit consent of written content authors’ of these documents or copyright holders’.


Copyright to articles

Authorship must be limited to those who have significantly contributed to a final concept, design, layout, analysis, writing or exposition of the applicant study, article or paper submitted. All those who have made a significant contribution to the preparation of an article should be indicated as its co-authors. If there are other persons who have participated in some essential aspects in the underwriting research, this should be recognized, and their names should be indicated in the article concerned. A corresponding (responsible) author is obliged to ensure that all co-authors were indicated in the paper, saw and approved the final version of the paper, and agreed with the submission for publication.


Major mistakes in published papers

If the author finds out that there is a significant error or inaccuracy in their own published work, they are obliged to inform the Journal’s Editor or its Publisher without delay, and cooperate with the Editor in withdrawing the article from the production process, or to publish the paper’s revision. Should the Editor or Publisher learn from a third party that the published paper contains substantial mistakes, it is the Author’s duty to immediately withdraw or adjust the paper in response to the Editor’s call, or to provide the Editorial Office with proofs of accuracy of the original paper.


Duties of Editors in accordance with the Code of Ethics

Decision on publishing

The Board of Editors of the scientific journal “ Studia commercialia Bratislavensia” decides on which of the articles submitted to the Journal’s Editorial office should be published, while this decision is made on the basis of Reviewers´ opinions and other background data from the Executive Editor. In the decision on the publication of the paper the Editor shall abide by the rules of the Editorial Board of the scientific journal. This way the Editor is subject to legal proceedings in the case of libel, copyright infringement and plagiarism. The Editor can consult other editors or reviewers in the process of decision making on the publication of the paper.


Fair play

The Editor evaluates manuscripts in terms of their content and quality, regardless race, sex, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, ethnic origin, nationality, or political views of their authors.



Neither the Editor nor any member of the “ Studia commercialia Bratislavensia ” editorial team is allowed to enable access to any information about a manuscript submitted to anybody else but the Corresponding Author, reviewers, potential reviewers, members of the Editorial Board, and the Publisher.


Publishing and the conflict of interest

Unpublished materials listed and manuscripts submitted cannot be used in the Editor’s own research without an explicit written consent of the Author. Crucial information or ideas obtained in the course of the review process are considered to be confidential and cannot be used for obtaining a personal advantage. Editors and reviewers should refrain from evaluating articles, in which the conflict of interest might arise from competitive or other relationships, including mutual co-operation. The Editorial office requires Authors to inform even about a potential conflict of interests and to submit correction of the article, if the conflict of interest is disclosed after the article has been published.


Participation and cooperation in case of appeal

The Editor should take adequately vigorous steps in case of ethics complaint of the submitted or published manuscript. These measures will usually involve contacting the Author of the manuscript and due investigation of the complaint concerned or claims raised.

The measures also include further communication with bodies and research institutions concerned, and if the relevant of the complaint is confirmed, then also of the correction will be published, or the article, will be withdrawn. Each reported act of unethical behaviour in publishing must be investigated, even when found out a long time after the article was published.


Reviewers’ duties according to the Code of Ethics

Basis for the Editor’s decision

The Reviewers assist the Editor of the scientific journal of “ Studia commercialia Bratislavensia” in an editorial decision on publishing/rejection of a paper. The Reviewer’s comments help the Author to improve the paper. The review is an indivisible part of the formal scientific communication. The Editorial team of the scientific journal “ Studia commercialia Bratislavensia ” share an opinion that all Authors who wish to submit the outputs of their research for publication are obliged to contribute to the process of reviewing papers submitted to the journal.



Each proposed Reviewer who does not feel qualified to review some manuscript submitted for publication, or who knows that they will not be able to complete the review within the deadline specified should inform the Editorial team and excuse themselves from the reviewing process.


Maintaining on confidentiality

Each and every manuscript received for review must be treated as a confidential material. The manuscript must neither be shown to anybody nor it may be discussed with anybody, unless the exception has been granted by the Editor of the “ Studia commercialia Bratislavensia ”.


Unbiased principles

The review should be performed without any bias. A personal criticism of the Author is inadmissible. Reviewers should express their opinions clearly, professionally and support their opinions with adequate arguments.


Citation of sources

Reviewers should identify the data and sources that have been incorrectly cited or not cited by the Author. Any statement that the data or concepts have already been published earlier, have to be adequately documented by the identification of sources. The Reviewer should advise the Editor in the case of principal similarity or overlap between the manuscript reviewed any other published study has observed.


Publishing and conflict of interests

Unpublished materials contained in the submitted manuscript must not be used in the Reviewer’s own research without the Author’s explicit written consent. Essential ideas and information acquired in the reviewing process are considered confidential and must not be used for gaining the Reviewer’s personal advantage. Reviewers should not evaluate articles in case then are in conflict of interest, resulting from professional or other relationships.

Chief Editor

Róbert Rehák, Faculty of Commerce, University of Economics in Bratislava



Viera Kubičková, Faculty of Commerce, University of Economics in Bratislava


Executive Editor

Peter Červenka, Faculty of Commerce, University of Economics in Bratislava


Editorial Board

Ferdinand Daňo, University of Economics in Bratislava, Slovak Republic

Zenon Foltynowicz, Poznan University of Economics and Business, Poland

Michael Gessler, University of Bremen, Germany

Eva Hanuláková, University of Economics in Bratislava, Slovak Republic

Rainer Hasenauer, Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria

Andrzej Chochół, Cracow University of Economics, Poland

Marzena Jezewska-ZychowiczWarsaw University of Life Sciences, Poland

Miroslav Karlíček, University of Economics, Prague, Czech Republic

Tomasz LesiówWroclaw University of Economics, Poland

Claude Martin, Pierre Mendès France University in Grenoble, France

Rodica Pamfilie, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania

Beciu Silviu, University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Romania

Andrea Slezáková, University of Economics in Bratislava, Slovakia

Jozef Taušer, Prague University of Economics and Business, Prague, Czech Republic

Cosmin Tileagă, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Romania

Mária Veterníková, University of Economics in Bratislava, Slovakia

Charles M. Weber, Portland State University, USA

Dianne H. B. Welsh, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, USA

Adriana Zait, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi, Romania

SCB obalkaStudia commercialia Bratislavensia (SCB) is a peer-reviewed scientific journal published by University of Economics in Bratislava, Faculty of Commerce. The journal has been published since 2008.

The journal presents research articles by scholars and practitioners coming from a wide range of disciplines. The objective of SCB is to provide a forum for the publication of scientific articles, analytical studies, empirical research and contributions to discussion in the field of economics of trade and services, trade management and marketing, service management and international business management. It brings the profiles of distinguished scientific workers, book reviews, abstracts of doctoral thesis and information on scientific activities.

Studia commercialia Bratislavensia welcomes high quality, innovative contributions relevant to the journal’s aims. In pursuit of this objective the journal not only published high quality research papers but also ensures that the published papers achieve broad international credibility.


SCB journal webpage:


ISSN 1339-3081 (Online)

ISSN 1337-7493 (Print) - the last print version of the journal was published in 2018



Editorial Office

Studia commercialia Bratislavensia

Obchodná fakulta

Dolnozemská cesta 1

852 35 Bratislava





Akinbola Olufemi Amos – Babatolu Ayorinde Tobi – Sanni Sekinat Arike – Akinbola Omolola Sariat
Influence of Strategic Factors on Early Internationalization of Small and Medium Enterprises in Nigeria

Ehiorobo Osa Abraham
Employee Fidelity and the Survival of Micro and Small Scale Businesses in Nigeria

Martin Horváth
Potenciál využitia behaviorálnej ekonómie v rámci manažérskych marketingových nástrojov / The Potential of the Use of Behavioral Economics in Managerial Marketing Tools

Lujza Jurkovičová
Poistné právo v kontexte legislatívy EÚ / Insurance Law in the Context of EU Legislation

Daniela Knošková
Zdravie, starnutie a vplyv socioekonomického statusu ľudí nad päťdesiat rokov na zdravie v Európe / Health, Aging and the Impact of the Socio-Economic Status of People Over 50 on Health in Europe

František Križan – Peter Barlík – Kristína Bilková – Petra Hencelová
Delimitácia intraurbánnej nákupnej zóny na základe mobilných dát: prípadová štúdia Avion Shopping Parku (Bratislava) / Delimitation of Intraurban Trade Areas Based on Mobile Data: Case Study of Avion Shopping Park (Bratislava)

Jozef Orgonáš
Microeconomic Aspects of Franchising

Miroslava Prváková
Factors of Open Innovation

Lenka Vačoková
Spotrebiteľ a jeho vplyv na rozhodovaciu činnosť orgánov alternatívneho riešenia spotrebiteľských sporov / Consumer and his Influence on Consumer Alternative Dispute Resolution of ADR Authorities

Table of Contents


Abeer Naesa - Reabal Mona - Ahmad Ibrahim Kara-Ali - Hussam Eddin Laika
Economic and environmental side of the use of biotechnologies Case Study: Synthesis of some bioplastics from algae

Zuzana Borovská
Projekt BRI a zhodnotenie jeho významu na Blízkom východe (s dôrazom na Irán) / BRI project and evaluation of its role in the Middle East (with an emphasis on Iran)

Denisa Čiderová – Dubravka Kovačević – Jozef Čerňák
The Brexitologic of Competitiveness

Barbora Družbacká – Simona Krivosudská
Energetická bezpečnosť Čínskej ľudovej republiky v oblasti dodávok ropy / Energy security of the People's Republic of China in the field of petroleum supply

Dušan Holub
Pojem, vznik a zánik záložného práva / Definition, establishment and termination of the lien

Elena Kašťáková - Natália Barinková
Vývoj zahraničnoobchodných vzťahov Slovenska s krajinami Strednej Ázie / The Development of Foreign Trade Relations of Slovakia with Central Asian Countries

Marián Kropaj
Licenčná zmluva na používanie ochrannej známky a rozvoj obchodu / Trademark License Agreement and Trade Development

Vojtěch Meier - Barbora Franková
Zkoumaní rodinného podnikání v globalizovaném světě / Family business research in a globalized world

Milan Oreský
Rozhodovanie spotrebiteľov o výdavkoch z pohľadu teórie očakávaného úžitku, ostatných ekonomických teórií až k prospektovej teórii a ich využitie v marketingu / Consumer decision-making on spending according the expected utility hypothesis, according to other economic theories up to prospect theory and their use in marketing

Andrea Slezáková
The License To Perform The Activity Of A Finacial Advisor

Ondrej Tomčík
Perspektívy a úskalia exportu Slovenskej republiky do Číny / Prospects and pitfalls of the Slovak republic’s exports to China

Dana Vokounová
Experiment a jeho využitie v teréne / An experiment and its field application

Table of Contents


Petra Garasová
Spotrebiteľské vnímanie dizajnérskych taburetiek / Consumer Perception of Designer Stools

Marta Karkalíková – Alica Lacková – Ivan Hlavatý
Systémy manažérstva environmentu ako významný spoločenský prínos / Environmental Management Systems as a Significant Social Contribution

Ľubica Knošková
Circular Design and Consumer Involvement in Circular Economy

Martin Kuchta
Extent of Data Utilization within Digital Marketing Processes

Miroslava Prváková
Uplatnenie mechanizmu otvorenej inovácie a vplyv vybraných ukazovateľov firemnej kultúry v podniku / Application of the Mechanism of Open Innovation and the Impact of Selected Indicators of Corporate Culture in Company

Róbert Rehák
Postoj spotrebiteľov voči elektromobilom v Slovenskej republike / The Attitude of Consumers Towards Electric Vehicles in the Slovak Republic

Andrea Slezáková
Performing the Activities of the Commercial Investment Advisor in Austria and of the Financial Advisor in Slovakia

Table of Contents


Peter Červenka ‒ Kristína Gážiová
Moderné navigačné technológie a ich aplikácia v cestovnom ruchu / Modern Navigation Technologies and their Aplication in Tourism

Jamal Hasan
E-commerce and its impact on retail stores in Slovakia

Tatiana Hlušková
Competitiveness Outlook of the Automotive Industry in the V4 Countries

Malgorzata A. Jarossová – Jana Gordanová
Folk Motifs as a New trend in Foods and Beverages Packaging Design

Marta Karkalíková – Alica Lacková – Ivan Hlavatý
Implementácia systémov manažérstva ako súčasť rozvoja organizácie / Implementation of Management Systems as Part of Organizational Development

Ľubica Knošková – Petra Garasová
The Economic Impact of Consumer Purchases in Fast Fashion Stores

Ivana Kravčáková Vozárová
Vývojové tendencie zahraničného obchodu Slovenskej republiky so Spojenými arabskými emirátmi / Developmental tendencies of foreign trade of the Slovak Republic with the United Arab Emirates

Alica Lacková – Marta Karkalíková
Dopady spotrebiteľského správania sa na maloobchodný predaj potravín / Impacts of Consumer Behavior on Retail Sale of Food

Ingrid Potisková
Priemysel 4.0 - výzvy, očakávania, dôsledky / Industry 4.0 - Challenges, Expectations, Consequences

Andrea Slezáková
Entering Into the Register of Providers of Special Financial Education

Jiří Mařík
Marketing Performance Metrics Used by SMEs in Manufacturing Sector and Their Impact on Subjective Performance



Gevorg Ayrumyan
SLEZÁKOVÁ, A., MIKLOŠ, P. a kol. 2018. Zákon o dohľade nad finančným trhom. Komentár. Bratislava: Wolters Kluwer SR s. r. o., 492 s.

Mária Veterníková
MRÁZ, S. - BROCKOVÁ, K. 2018. Medzinárodné právo verejné (všeobecná časť). Bratislava: Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM. 247 s.

Table of Contents


Alena Bašová
Diversification as a tool to increase energy security

Viera Čihovská
Sociálne partnerstvá firiem v kontexte zvyšovania kvality života a kreovania občianskej spoločnosti / Social partnerships of companies in the context of improving the quality of life and the creation of civil society

Dušan Holub
K problematike založenia a vzniku obchodných spoločností / Issues of the Founding and Establishment of Trading Companies

Paulína Krnáčová – Martin Závodský
Consumer‐Oriented Sales Promotion of Organic Food in Slovakia and the Czech Republic

Marián Kropaj
Nový zákon o zájazdoch a rozvoj obchodu / The New on package tours Act and Trade Development

Hana Magurová – Matej Horvat – Mária Srebalová
Consumer Protection in the Slovak Republic and Protection of Air Passengers’ Rights

Andrea Slezáková
Úvahy de lege ferenda o zákone o finančnom sprostredkovaní / Considerations de lege ferenda on the Financial Intermediation Act

Dušan Steinhauser – Miroslava Čukanová
Impact of Corporate Governance Framework on Economic Performance in European Union

Katarína Súkeníková
Metódy zisťovania lojality zákazníkov / Methods of measuring customer loyaltyLenka Vačoková
Limited Liability Companies in the Slovak and European Legal Context

Mária Veterníková ‒ Ján Mišura
Legal Regulation of Timesharing Contract and Other Contracts on Providing of Certain Services in Tourism Services in Slovak Republic

Dana Vokounová
Generácia Y a zdravý životný štýl / Generation Y and healthy lifestyle